2011年2月28日 星期一

Own Day-off

    Today is 228, which is a national holiday, but our school doesn’t have day-off. However, I still stay at home today no that I forget today is regular school day, but because my enterotritis hasn’t recovered yet. This time the enterotritis is probably the longest one I’ve ever had. In the past, I could always get well within two days. However, I’m still ill after four days this time, and this means that I’ve been eating rice porridge for a decent time. Now, I only think that having a healthy body is the happiest thing on Earth because one can enjoy all kinds of delicious food without worrying about their stomach. These days, I’m pretty jealous about my parents and brother because they get to eat tasty food and I can’t. Moreover, my saliva would become unstoppable as long as the palatable food are served. For a person like me who loves eating, I hope that I can quickly get well and start having some toothsome food.

So Sick, So Weak

  Since last Friday, my stomachache was really painful, and I felt dizzy and wanted to throw up all the time. After eating only rice porridge for every meal these two days, I think that I’m getting better, so I went to the restaurant with my family for lunch today. However, I think my stomach situation is getting worse and I possibly have enterogastritis. Tonight, I rush to the bathroom at least five times, and I can’t even imagine how could I sit through one period course. Every time I finish eating, my stomach would start to twist within two minutes, thus there’s no room for me to digest. I really hate being so sick like this because I would miss school and basketball practices. I hope eating one more day of rice porridge tomorrow I can be healthy again.

2011年2月16日 星期三


    Today we did the first experiment for the science fair project, and we failed. Our topic is about coming up with a math formula when same volume of water, coke, and oil are put in glass cups. We couldn’t go on with the experiment cause there were no more oil left. I was the person needed to bring oil, but I brought only a small bottle, so we couldn’t move on anymore when there the oil was done. I felt kinda sorry for my teammates cause they looked pissed off, maybe that’s because they’re nervous about not getting a good result for the science fair that is coming up next week. I really don’t want to be a burden to the group, and I hope everyone can be happy, so I guess I have to give what my group members want at the very first time. Or else, this last year memory of science fair wouldn’t be awesome at all.

2011年2月15日 星期二


      Today the basketball practice is super exhaustive cause we’re doing conditioning. We run up and down the stairs for four times, practice our awesome strategies, and then do sit-ups and push-ups. My hands and my stomach are super sore, and it’s really hard for me to handle anymore. Also, my sweat just keeps dripping down, making a small swimming pool in front of me. On such a freezing cold day, the sweat can be so unstoppable, which I think is pretty cool. Coach said we’re going to have a game sometime around next week, and dat’s why the practice today is so kamikazely tiring.