2010年11月19日 星期五


     Today is the second and last day of Parent Teacher Conference, and I help some parents to translate. Not all parents can speak English, so seniors volunteer to help translating so that the parents could understand what teachers are talking about. Although these parents have limited English ability, they still try hard to talk to the teachers in English, and I’m touched by this. This action shows that the parents really love their children, and the parents just want to give them the best.  
I think translating is like a time testing my English and Chinese ability and whether I could totally comprehend the message and deliver it clearly. Despite this, it’s actually pretty fun because I can hear what teachers say about the student.     For the first time translating, I think I’m a little bit nervous. However, I get more used to it and start doing a better job. Some teachers even say that I did well and recommend me to do translating as future career, which I can earn lots of money.

