2010年12月24日 星期五

Macbeth Video

   Today is the day that our group films Macbeth, and we decide to shoot it in Jingmei, Taipei. In the morning, I take the train by myself, and also the MRT, and finally get to Jingmei station. The place we’re doing the film is at Bella’s house, which is beautiful since there’s a river and a park across the apartment. For the first two hours, we divide up the group and assign each people to read each act and choose what they think are the important lines. While one people is doing the work, the rest are just lying on the sofa and watching TV, which is pretty relaxing. After two hours of summary reading, we finally start to film. I think our film is extraordinary because it has some funny elements yet not losing essential parts of the story. Also, I like our group a lot due to the fun filming process and the efficiency of our teamwork.
   After the film is done, I have dinner with Sylvia and Leo at an Italian restaurantPartco. I’m really not familiar with Taipei, and the restaurant is in the district that I’ve never been to. After dinner, Sylvia originally said she would take the bus with me and send me back to Taipei main station, however she changes her mind and decide let me take the bus by myself. She and Leo just walk me to the bus station and tell me which bus I should take. I’m pretty nervous and scared because I’m afraid I might miss the station to get off the bus. After the exciting journey, I finally get to Hsinchu successfully and safe. After today’s alone trip in Taipei, I think I become more independent.

