2010年12月16日 星期四

Rush and Busy Day

    Today is a rush and busy day for me because I have basketball game, final exam, and Christmas performance. Right after the school ends at 11:10 pm, I run to the cafeteria and finish my lunch hurry because I have to take the AP European History make-up final exam. Although Mr. Jones will be in his classroom for whole day, I only have limited time to do the exam since I have to catch game with the last basketball game that starts at 1:00 pm. I couldn’t really focus while doing the exam because my heart is thinking about the game. When I finish the exam at 12:15 pm, I quickly head to Frank, who is going to drive me to the competition place, and I have a chance to sit in Ms. Sherry’s sports car.
    After I get to the location, I do some warm up, and the game against Peng Shi starts in 5 minutes. I am the first five players, but Mr. Li didn’t send me to the court because he wants me to do some more warm up. After several minutes, Mr. Li calls Wan Yi down, and I go up. However, I’m replaced again 2 minutes later because Mr. Li thinks I’m not ready yet. I want to play, I want to go on to the court, so I tell myself to wake up. For the rest of the periods, I stay on the court longer, which I’m satisfied. Another thing that I’m happy is that when we use the Typhoon strategy, which is two people defensing one person, I successfully force the other team to drop the ball. No matter how good a team is, they would always be nervous when facing Typhoon. Also, the final score is 12 to 23, and we finally get a non one-digit number. Today, I didn’t shoot in baskets as I did yesterday, and I have to work on that. In addition, I learn that lay-ups become extremely hard while on the court because I didn’t count the steps correctly thus not able to get the ball in. Mr. Li tells us that in the future that practice will change to a new direction: more physical training, more offense, and we have to play hard as we’re against our own teammates. I fell down on the court again, which I lose the ball, and I should that my arms be stronger so I can fight for it. After playing today’s game, there are lots of bruises coming out of nowhere on my body, and this is probably the first time I get so many injuries.
     When the game is done, we head back to school and prepare for the Christmas performance at night. I hear lots of parents say that this year’s show is much more better than that of last year, and the senior performance is a big success. Although there are some mistakes during the basketball dance: some people don’t get the ball and the floor is too slippery, I think everyone does a great job. The most interesting part is when Victoria imitates Ms. Pamela, and all the people say that she looks 100 percent like Ms. Pamela. After the teachers finish singing, all the PAS students go up to the stage, which is a surprise because we don’t know what to do on the stage, and sing songs. At that time, everyone is so organized, singing Christmas songs, making the movement, while having no rehearsals. This really amazes me. The whole show is excellent, but there’s one part that’s a pity, and it’s I don’t have any prizes. I really want to have one, but I guess I’m just not lucky enough. Tomorrow is the last day of school, and I have to rest since my body is so sore, so tired, and so painful.

