2011年3月20日 星期日

Day 1

   After sitting on the plane for almost a day, we finally arrive at St. Petersburg through the flight from Taipei to Singapore to Moscow and to the final destination. Along the way to the hotel we’re living, which is called Hotel Derovaski, I’m impressed by the Russian’s architecture and the beautiful view. We’re pretty lucky because the weather today is really nice, about 3 or 4 Celsius, and the sky is clean with bright sun. Usually, the temperature would be below zero. There are several memorials, and each of which has their own amazing history. The first impression I have for Russians are that both men and women are super tall, and we’re like dwarfs to them; Russian women are really beautiful and attractive; also, Russians always sound pretty aggressive which is the result for being a communist country for such a long time; moreover, they’re pretty strict, which can be seen from the experience that when we’re shopping at the supermarket, we have to put our bags in lockers outside. While going through the x-ray checking, we have to take off our shoes and take out the computers from the bags! The hotel we’re living is probably the smallest one that I’ve ever lived, and the room is so tiny that when three people are in there, the suitcases won’t be able to open. From the outside, the hotel looks small, however, it’s long on the inside. There are lots of halls crossing together, which is like a maze. There are only a small portion of Russians speak English, which is so inconvenient for us and it’s so hard to communicate. The first day of our trip doesn’t start pretty smooth, so I hope that everything can go well for the rest of the nine days. Russia, the mysterious country, it makes me really want to explore more about it.

2011年3月18日 星期五

St. Patrick's Day

   Today is the fourth day of the spirit week, and it’s St. Patrick’s Day, so the theme color is definitely green. After lunch, most of the seniors are busy downstairs practicing Tango, which is our opening dance. I choose not to be in the Tango group because I don’t think I can do well, and it would be really embarrassing if I danced wrong. Although I’m not doing the dance, I still go and watch how the practice goes. There are only two weeks left before the prom, and I think it would quite be a tough job for them to learn and memorize the steps well. Also, most of the steps in Tango require the showing of force, and it would look funny if one showed too excess or too less. This is the difficult part of this dance. Again, the seniors have to do the dance in such squeeze time, just like last year’s Christmas Performance. However, I think they can do a good job because we already had this kind of experience before.

2011年3月17日 星期四

High School Stereotype

  Today is the third day of Spirit week, and its High School Stereotype day. The seniors are divided into three groups, which are basketball team players, emo, and characters from a movie called “Mean Girls.” Again, the seniors have the most spirit than other classes do. Whenever taking pictures, the seniors can always fill the stage, which looks pretty impressive. Although today should be full of spirit and energy, I fall asleep in afternoon’s classes. During the first period after lunch, I’m so tired that it takes me lots of effort for my eyes to open. While others are presenting their speech, I couldn’t stand the calling from the sleep, so I fall asleep. Falling asleep directly in front of the speaker is really an impolite thing, and I’m sorry for the presenters. But I truly try my best for staying awake, it’s just I fail.

2011年3月16日 星期三

Animal Day

        Today is the second day of the spirit week, and it’s called “Animal Day.” The seniors have a theme, which is One Hundred and One Dalmatians. So, most of the seniors dress up as dogs, but we’re mistaken as cows, and that’s pretty upsetting. I not only have the characteristics of the dog, but also have a tie because the basketball teams are having a game today. Again, we’re playing against the same school as last week, and the time is still late. But, today’s weather is extremely windy that the ball we shoot can be blown away from the basket from the strong wind. However, after we run for a while, our legs and fingers are warmed up. Everyone is excited, shouting out loud and jumping up high as soon as the game ends because we win! Both the boys and the girls win the two games. YEAH! HOORAY! Finally, after so many losses, the girls get their second taste of winning. I can tell that the two coaches are definitely happy, and the girls have to keep working because we need to win more games.

2011年3月15日 星期二

Class Color

        Today is the first day of the spirit week, which is class color day. I think the seniors participate the most because almost the whole class wears red. My eyes are sore throughout the whole day because I didn’t have a good sleep yesterday. Again, I slept on my chair rather than on my bed, so I can’t rest well. As for result, both my eyes and spine are uncomfortable. Originally, I decide to go back home and have a sleep right after practice. However, as I finish practicing basketball, I feel I’m not tired at all. So, I stay and finish the AP Calculus homework with other seniors. As I’m getting closer to finishing the worksheet, my mind is so happy that I shout out “YEAH!” as soon as I’m done. Exercising is really the best way to help you recover from tiredness.

2011年3月14日 星期一

Kaoshung Trip

     Today is the last day of the three days Kaoshung family trip. My mother, my brother, and I went to a town called Mei-Nung today and made our own umbrellas. Mei-Nung is famous for the paper umbrellas, and there are various kinds of drawings on each umbrella. After finish making the umbrellas, we went downstairs and shopped for a while. We bought one pretty umbrella, and my brother and I decided that we can take it to Canada. It must be really cool when seeing such traditional stuff in a foreign country. I also got to see many kinds of toys that I played when I was two or three years old, which I seldom see nowadays. This trip is really fun because I not only got to go to the amusement park, but also had a chance to learn how to make my unique umbrella. Moreover, Kaoshung’s weather is always sunny and people are passionate, which make me want to move and live there.

2011年3月11日 星期五

PD Day

  Today is PD day, which usually should be day-off for students, but I still go to school to take the AP Calculus AB practice exam. I didn’t really prepare for the exam, thus I think it’s pretty difficult. Moreover, I think that I wouldn’t get a good score on this exam even though I already tried my best. After around three and a half hour of torturing, I finally got back home. Originally, I planned to stay at school and do some homework. However, I think that I really needed to relax after the long test. As for result, me and my family went to the movie theater and watched “I am Number Four” at night. There are lots of fighting scenes that contain supernatural powers in the film, so I think it’s really cool. After watching the movie, I have only one thought, which is this film is just like the combination of both Superman and Transformers. The whole movie is pretty exciting, and I bet one would never fall asleep. I really recommend people to go watch this thrilling movie as soon as possible; it’s pretty good.

2011年3月9日 星期三


  Today both boys and girls basketball team lose again; the score is 47 to 50 for the boys team, and 14 to 23 for the girls team. When we start the game, it’s already pretty dark, so some of our team members have visual problem. Today most of the team players aren’t in the best condition; we miss lots of balls by either passing or shooting. We once have gotten the score as close as 12 to 16, but we let the might be winning chance pass by. There must be lots of errors that we need to correct, or else we wouldn’t play worse than last time. Although I’m not on the court for a long time, I still make some mistakes during the game. Basketball is a group activity, so it’s important to have team members help you when you get stuck. We have to find a time to watch the video as soon as possible, since it’s the fastest way for us to learn.

2011年3月8日 星期二


   Recently, my basketball practices aren’t very smooth because I always get scold by Mr. Li. He said that I should use my brain to play, which means that when I see problems happening on the court, I should quickly think of ways of solve them at that instant. I’m not happy with my performance, and I feel pretty upset. Seeing all my teammates are having clear thoughts and always knowing what’s going on, I feel that I’m falling behind, and I have to catch on as soon as possible in order to stay on the court longer. But, I’m afraid things wouldn’t be so easy as I wise because I could only attend at most five more practices until the end of this season. There are so many activities around this time, so I would miss lots of practice time. I only hope that I could truly learn what Mr. Li has taught us and use it efficiently on the court.

2011年3月7日 星期一

Is this true?

     Today me and my family spent the whole afternoon did the most unbelievable thing, which was preparing for my prom dress. I haven’t worn any kind of dress since I was three years old, and it’s hard for me to imagine that I’m going to wear one in a month. Mom brought me to the wedding store and I tried many different kinds of dresses. Whenever I stood in front of the mirror, seeing myself dressed up like that, it felt so weird, so awkward, and so unfamiliar. The whole afternoon my business was just finding a dress that would fit me, and I finally got one. An exciting news was that I could wear sneakers rather than high heels on that day since the dress is long enough to cover up my shoes. I really don’t know how am I supposed to face everyone when wearing a dress; I wish time could fly faster that day so I will feel less embarrassed.

2011年3月3日 星期四

Almost Blind

     Today when I wake up, the first thing I feel is that my eyes are extremely sore, and I guess that’s because I only sleep for three hours and with lights all on. I could hardly stay awake during each class period, and I easily fall asleep within two minutes. In the afternoon, I stay after school for SPIMUN, and my energy has reached its limit. I couldn’t count how many times my eyes closed, how long I fell asleep, and how many materials I missed. I really do hope that I can stay awake, however, I try my best and I failed. My eyes are so sore that water soon come running down from them as I close my eyes. This uncomfortable feeling makes me think that I'm going to be blind if my eyes were open for one more second. Sleeping in class publicly and showing disrespect to teacher are the least things I want to do. I only have one homework for tomorrow, and I can finally go to bed early today.

Not my Day

   Today isn’t a smooth day for me. In the morning, I feel annoyed by the notion that I might have to wear dress on prom. I haven’t worn dress since three or four years old, and I know I would feel extremely uncomfortable. I really do hope that I can wear suit rather than dress, and I don’t know why this is forbidden since both suit and dress are formal clothing. The idea of wearing dress only lessens my will for going to the prom. In the afternoon during the basketball practice, I’m not able to shoot in points. There are lots of chances that I’m right beside the hoop where they are great shooting places, somehow I just couldn’t get the ball in. I’m surprised about this and feel depressed. How is it possible that I let so many chances to pass away? What am I doing? Mr. Li tells me that I have missed too many practices, which is the reason he didn’t put me as one of the first five players on the game because I’m too instable. I feel sorry for my teammates today that we should have earned more points if I focus more.

2011年3月2日 星期三

I'm Back!

     Today I’m finally able to go back to school, and I’m happy about it because that means I’m getting well. The first thing that my friends ask when they see me is am I feeling better, and I feel pretty warm when they do so. Also, it’s my first time to realize that how good it feels when being cared. I heard that two or three other people also have enterogratitis, and many others are sick. These days due to extreme climate change, lots of people get sick easily, so it’s important to protect oneself from exposing to any danger. Today is my last day for eating rice porridge, and I’m excited that I can get away from that tasteless thing tomorrow. I hope that my healthy condition can stay as long as possible because I’m really afraid that I’ll get enterogratitis thus eating rice porridge again.

2011年2月28日 星期一

Own Day-off

    Today is 228, which is a national holiday, but our school doesn’t have day-off. However, I still stay at home today no that I forget today is regular school day, but because my enterotritis hasn’t recovered yet. This time the enterotritis is probably the longest one I’ve ever had. In the past, I could always get well within two days. However, I’m still ill after four days this time, and this means that I’ve been eating rice porridge for a decent time. Now, I only think that having a healthy body is the happiest thing on Earth because one can enjoy all kinds of delicious food without worrying about their stomach. These days, I’m pretty jealous about my parents and brother because they get to eat tasty food and I can’t. Moreover, my saliva would become unstoppable as long as the palatable food are served. For a person like me who loves eating, I hope that I can quickly get well and start having some toothsome food.

So Sick, So Weak

  Since last Friday, my stomachache was really painful, and I felt dizzy and wanted to throw up all the time. After eating only rice porridge for every meal these two days, I think that I’m getting better, so I went to the restaurant with my family for lunch today. However, I think my stomach situation is getting worse and I possibly have enterogastritis. Tonight, I rush to the bathroom at least five times, and I can’t even imagine how could I sit through one period course. Every time I finish eating, my stomach would start to twist within two minutes, thus there’s no room for me to digest. I really hate being so sick like this because I would miss school and basketball practices. I hope eating one more day of rice porridge tomorrow I can be healthy again.

2011年2月16日 星期三


    Today we did the first experiment for the science fair project, and we failed. Our topic is about coming up with a math formula when same volume of water, coke, and oil are put in glass cups. We couldn’t go on with the experiment cause there were no more oil left. I was the person needed to bring oil, but I brought only a small bottle, so we couldn’t move on anymore when there the oil was done. I felt kinda sorry for my teammates cause they looked pissed off, maybe that’s because they’re nervous about not getting a good result for the science fair that is coming up next week. I really don’t want to be a burden to the group, and I hope everyone can be happy, so I guess I have to give what my group members want at the very first time. Or else, this last year memory of science fair wouldn’t be awesome at all.

2011年2月15日 星期二


      Today the basketball practice is super exhaustive cause we’re doing conditioning. We run up and down the stairs for four times, practice our awesome strategies, and then do sit-ups and push-ups. My hands and my stomach are super sore, and it’s really hard for me to handle anymore. Also, my sweat just keeps dripping down, making a small swimming pool in front of me. On such a freezing cold day, the sweat can be so unstoppable, which I think is pretty cool. Coach said we’re going to have a game sometime around next week, and dat’s why the practice today is so kamikazely tiring.

2011年1月31日 星期一

Missing A Lot

  Today the school is so not cheerful cause many people stay at homes and not showing up. There are only five or six people in my first and second classes, which is not cool cause it feels so weird with so less students. Despite this, today is actually a super relaxing day cause there are no difficult assignments that we have to do, and I think it’s because today is the last day of school day so teachers don’t want to be so cruel to us for the Lunar New Year break. Today I already make up my mind that I’m gonna go to bed really early cause I slept at three o’clock yesterday, and that was shommy. After today, I could then start enjoying my awesome break!

Dats Right Men!

   Today, I attend a party that is held by some doctors, and the main point of this party is to let every children know each other better. Almost every children provide some shows, but not me cause I don’t know what should I do. Anyway, I’m kinda forced to go up to the stage and sing a song, which is not cool cause I don’t have enough time to prepare and shock all the rest of the people. However, when everyone’s getting high, I’m getting hyper. I just couldn’t let the microphone leave my hand, and I just keep on singing and singing. At that time, I could feel my voice really come out cause I’m less nervous when everyone’s not putting their focus on me. I feel super awesome cause everyone, including Mama and Papa, are surprised how good I can sing, and they just enjoy listening to my songs. Whoa! I love the kind of feeling that I’m the star of the whole show. At first, I think I’m doomed for not preparing any talent show, but now, things change. I go to KTV very often, and now it’s the time to show off: I can sing every song, and sing them well. The party is gnarly not only I get to feel like an idol and amaze everyone, but also I get more familiar with many other children and I add them on Facebook!

2011年1月28日 星期五


   Today the two basketball teams stay after school and do decorating work for the Hoopla Dance tomorrow. After everyone spends efforts in these long and tiring days, there’s finally something kick ass come out. Although there’s no light, which is kind of lame, I think the balloons and the lights still look pretty awesome. At least I can smell the atmosphere of dancing. I’m not worn out for doing the decorating because I’m the DJ, who plays cheerful music for people so they can work better. Also, I like this kind of feeling when working while enjoying other stuffs, it’s pretty wooka. I hear that there’s not many people going to the Hoopla Dance, and this is not cool. I hope the dance can still be great, and everyone can have fun.  

2011年1月27日 星期四

Awesome Game

   Today I finally attend the basketball practice after missing it for three times in a row. I think the practice today rocks cause we’re playing games; no physical and skill training. When I’m in the host team, we totally knock the other team off. Everyone can score every time they shoot. But, when I switch to the opposing team, the winning sign changes. We’re starting to lead the game, which is off the richter. However, my performance really sucks cause I didn’t grab the great chance to shoot in the hoops when there’s wide-open. I feel so lame that I’m so sorry for my teammates. Next time, I’m gonna nailed the other team down by shooting as many baskets as I can.

2011年1月26日 星期三


      Today I didn’t stay at school until late at night, so I got home before dinner time. At night, Mama brought me to watch “Burlesque.” I think it’s an awesome, bitchin movie. Dude, I’m telling ya, the songs, the dance in there are primo. Christina Augerila is really a fantastic singer, actress, dancer. Every song she sings in the movie, I’m addicted to them, all of them are rad. While hearing Christina sings, her voice is of greatly explosive force. I feel like I’m in her concert, and she’s standing in front of me, singing live. I become super fan of Christina now, and everyone should go watch this cool movie as soon as possible.

2011年1月25日 星期二

Hella Foobar

     Today I’m in a super duper ill condition cause I’m sick and I didn’t sleep much last night. My head hurts a lot and I feel like wanting to throw up, so I decide to go home. Right after the third period class ends, I call Mama and then I get back home to take a rest. I think this is my first time to drop early out of school, which means I’m really uncomfortable that I can’t take it anymore. After sleeping for several hours, my head doesn’t ache that much, and I feel good. The cold is really not cool, and I hope I can recover soon, at least before the break cause I don’t want to spend the whole break at home.

2011年1月24日 星期一

Gimme My Shoes

        Today is fer sure a tiring day cause I go shopping at three department stores in Taipei, and my feet are super sore. I so wanna buy a pair of gray shoes, but all the stores I go couldn’t find my size, which is bogus. The smallest size they have is 8, which is still one size bigger than my feet. After spending the whole afternoon trying to buy shoes, I still get nothing in the end. Dude! This is lame. Although the gray shoes don’t belong to me, I change my direction and look for other types. I need to find other time to search for my dream shoes, and I hope there is my size.

2011年1月21日 星期五

A Mess

        Today, the whole school is in a mess during club time because there is basketball game going on, guest speaker for musical production coming, and students don’t know whether they should go to their new clubs or old ones. I’m in the yearbook club, and only three people show up today because others are in the musical meeting. Others are those who are responsible for the layout part, but their all gone, and Ms. Mei-Ling is worried because she has no one to talk to for keeping track where we’re at. In addition, the cheerleading club doesn’t have practices today because most of the cheerleaders also participate in musical production. I think the school should manage a time when most of the people can attend as many activities as they want.

2011年1月19日 星期三

No missing

   Today is the last time for me to attend the SAT II Math after school class, and also the last time to review for the test, which is on this Saturday. I’ve been missing basketball practices on Wednesday because of the extra class, and I miss chances to train together with Frank Wu. Moreover, I won’t be able to attend the practice on Friday since Mom has to ride me to Taipei before dawn. After this week, I can go to every practice, and finally won’t fall behind with other teammates. Basketball is a group activity; it’s about collaboration and cooperation. Thus, it’s important that everyone practices together as much as possible in order to be more familiar with each other.

Eating and Sleeping

   Today I don’t know why I’m being hungry and sleepy for all day. During lunch time, I not only eat my own lunchbox, but also others’ food. In the last period, I do some homework and then fall asleep on sofa. After school ends, I go out to buy dinner with others. Again, I lie down on the sofa after I’m done with my food. When I get home, my stomach feels empty, so I ask Mom to give me some night snack. We have tempura as night snack, which I haven’t had for since last summer. Moreover, I go to McDonalds and order an apple pie and an ice cream. I feel like there is no end of my stomach today, which is pretty scary. I hope I can be normal again tomorrow.

2011年1月18日 星期二


   After practicing basketball today, Mr. Li tells me that my drilling improves, which makes me feel happy. Being in the basketball team for one year, my basketball skill finally moves toward a good direction. Also, Mr. Li said that the only thing I need to improve on is my physical strength, and my practice time isn’t enough. This week after I’m done with the SAT II Math test, then I can go to practices regularly just as before. Going to practices three times a week can definitely has faster and larger improvements than going for twice or once. For the remaining months, I hope I can improve more and bring these skills into universities.

2011年1月17日 星期一

Reversing ZZZ

   Today is Antony’s birthday, and he held a party yesterday. The party started from Saturday, and ended in Sunday. In addition, we didn’t have much sleep for whole night because most people were having pretty much fun and didn’t feel a sense of tiredness. The time that we start sleeping is around 6:00 o’clock in the morning, which should be the wake up time rather than sleeping time. Again, we stay over at Antony’s house, just like last time when celebrating New Year’s Eve. Staying up all night makes my eyes feel extremely sore, which is uncomfortable. However, I feel a lot better when waking up at noon. This kind of life-play hard at night, sleep lot in the morning, is exciting when experiencing for first few times. But it can’t definitely be done too often, or else people would get sick and tired of it. Although the sleeping time is reversed today, I’m still glad to be able to celebrate the birthday party with friends.

2011年1月14日 星期五


    Today my dinner is special-grilling food. There is a new grilling shop at the China-Da night market, so I join with Allen, Mindy, Sylvia, Antony, and Claire to go try out the new restaurant. While choosing food to be grilled, my hands couldn’t stop because my eyes shine as I see food, and I become a greedy person. When other people see this, they’re all shocked because my basket is already full and I’m putting more food inside. In the end, I have 15 grilling, which is the most amount and the most expensive. There is no vegetable in my choice, only meat, which is pretty unhealthy. In addition, the meat quality is overall good and delicious. While waiting other people’s grilling to be done, I finish my pack when standing outside of the restaurant talking to others, which makes me feel so full.

2011年1月13日 星期四

Relaxing Time

   After the finals and college application are done, senior can finally have some time to relax. Some classes have become less stressful, and we even can study on our own while the teacher is lecturing since our grades have already been sent out. For two classes of the British Literature class, we are watching the movie “A Knight’s Tale.” It’s pretty rare that we can have such entertainment in such a stressful class, thus I feel especially glad that we don’t have to do anything in the class. This week I‘ve been pretty loose: I only tell myself to finish one homework assignment per day because I don’t want to go back to the life of senior hell again, never! Within two weeks is the Lunar New Year break, and I hope teachers won’t be cruel and life can still be so easy until then.

2011年1月11日 星期二

Hoopla Fundraiser Dance

   Today, both boys and girls basketball teams have a meeting with the student council to discuss about the Hoopla Fundraiser Dance, and money raised will be used for our jerseys and equipment. Each team member is expected to invite as many people as possible, including those from local schools. The ultimate purpose for this dance is to make as much money as we can. I hope there will be some games other than dancing because games could always attract people’s attention. For the food part that I’m looking forward to the most is BBQ. Tasting the food right at the moment it just come out is the most enjoyable thing to do on the world. There are still many things need to be discussed more, such as the decoration, the theme, the lights, the music. Anyway, I hope the dance could be fun, and everyone could really enjoy the food, the drink, and the games.

Pain, Sore, Tiresome

    Today the basketball practice is all about training our physical strength rather than basketball skills. Last Monday and Wednesday, I didn’t attend the practices because I was studying for the final exam, and I can completely feel that my physical strength is way behind others who came. The first thing we do is running stairs for five times, which we should have finished every run within 1 minute and 55 seconds. The stairs are pretty crowded today because not only our basketball teams are doing training there, but also that of Kuang-Fu’s. After five rounds are done, my thighs are so sore that I don’t even have the effort to life them up. The second thing is push-up, which I’m not able to reach the required amount. We should do 20 push-ups within 45 seconds, however I could only do 15. For the rest of the rounds, I’m getting worse, which the amount of push-ups I’m doing is decreasing due to extreme sore arms. Third thing is lifting up the Thomas ball while making great strides in order to train our back thigh muscle. The Thomas ball is so heavy that my hands can sometimes lose catching it. The last thing is the swimming, which is also to train our back muscle, of the waist. After today, I have a feeling that tonight my arms, my waist, and my thighs would be in super sore condition. What’s more painful is that the sore might spread all over my body tomorrow!

2011年1月10日 星期一


   Today I watch the film “Frankenstein” from 1994. Originally, I thought it would be boring, but I think it’s the most enjoyable one of the five movies after watching it. For many years, I have been thinking that Frankenstein is the weird looking guy. Until today, I finally realize that Frankenstein is actually the scientist who has great ambition of trying to bring death people back to their lives. To me, I don’t think that Frankenstein is a horror movie; it’s pretty touching and melancholy rather. Although Frankenstein’s motivation is really good, it’s far beyond his capability. Also, I think it’s irresponsible of him to just leave his experimental product alone after he creates it. I like the film pretty much because there are lots of epics, which rouse my interest constantly. In addition, I learn from the film that people shouldn’t set goals that are too unreachable, or else it would have sad or unhappy results.

2011年1月7日 星期五

YA! Pressures Over

   Today is probably the happiest day I’ve ever had, because I’m finally done with all the finals. I don’t know why I have so much pressure for this time’s finals, which I study really hard for all subjects. When the bell rings at the fourth period, my mind is so hyper that it almost jumps out of my heart. At that time, I really want to shout: “Ya! No more finals! Time to enjoy our life.” The seniors can definitely relax now because then we only have to concentrate on light load of school work. No more college application, and we don’t need to handle such a great pressure that almost drive us crazy anymore.

2011年1月6日 星期四

One Last Time

   Today is the last day that I have to prepare for the final, and then the seniors can have parties! Again, about five students go to Mr. Dahl’s classroom and study for testing materials, especially “Macbeth” because there are 46 questions about it. The topic that I’m most afraid of and unconfident about is “From the Paradise Lost: Fall of Satan” because I don’t know what the whole story is going on even after reading it. Recently, I find out that group studying is really useful since everyone can exchange different ideas and opinions. For haven’t sleeping well for so many days, I can feel that I’m going to fall apart anytime. The only thing that makes me move on is the thought: this final is especially important, after I’m done, then I can truly relax and enjoy the rest of the senior life.

2011年1月5日 星期三

Stressed Out!!!

    Today, six seniors (including me) stay after school in Mr. Dahl classroom to prepare for the essay questions tomorrow. Before entering the classroom, I have already done research for each question, but only the first one has the most thorough information. Having all this things, the only problem is that I don’t know how to put them into an essay with a good thesis statement. The after school learning session really helps a lot because after I ask Mr. Dahl some questions, it feels like I’m enlightened. I finally understand how should I organize all my facts, what should I include in the essay to gain more points, and how to show the readers what I’m going to talk about directly in the thesis. Tonight, I have to finish three outlines, but I don’t know whether I can accomplish this task since I didn’t have much sleeping time yesterday due to Calculus cramming. I hope tomorrow the Gods of Pukapie could bless me and give us essay topic number 1-the one that I’m most ready, most prepared.

2011年1月4日 星期二

School Starts, Pain Begins

   The school starts today, and everyone looks tired which might be staying up all night to make up for homework. This week is the seniors final exam week, and I think it’s better that exams are all done before winter break because then students could really enjoy and have fun while on vacation. We couldn’t truly release our pressure during the two weeks winter break since we need to face such difficult tasks first day of school. Exams for British Literature and AP Calculus classes are ones that I’m worried and nervous about; I’m afraid that I couldn’t do well, which would affect the college application. Tonight, most seniors in the AP Calculus class open the classroom and do the review together. This time’s final exams are especially important, so we have to do as best as we could no matter what it takes. Tomorrow, the seniors would definitely get together and prepare for another big final exam for the British Literature class.